Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thursday's Children

Good morning to all - can't believe it's been almost a full month since my putting anything into words. I guess my life is so mundane, can't think of anything new.

I have been working, working, working - between the school bus driving, and cleaning house, have been stitching quite a bit - that is my sanity. I love to just sit down even for a few minutes and pick up a needle and get going. Unfortunately, I think I have ADD or something like that as after about 15 minutes I have to get up and go and do something else, and then I'm back to stitching.

I have taken on another job, it's going to be typing at night working for a laboratory typing gross pathology reports. I won't start probably until next week. I also have become a Tastefully Simple consultant. I love their products, believe in them wholeheartedly, and since I like to eat (and anyone who knows me knows this), this is a great way for me to make some new things for the family. No one likes to eat grilled cheese once a week, at least I don't.

I think I am going to take on another job, but it's related to stitching. I am going to see about finishing up some items for other people. Have done this in the past when I had the brick and mortar store and it worked out pretty well. So far the only items I've finished off are mine and my daughter Theresa's, so would be good to see some other people's stitching.

Nothing new in the way of Jim - he's doing great - and for this I am truly grateful. I don't know what would happen if he were to get sick again - I know that we'd take it one day at a time like we did before, but it'd be rough. Watching someone get sicker and sicker is not fun for anyone.

My kids on the school bus have been so funny. As many of you know, the children I take to school all have some sort of disability. One of my guys who is in middle school likens himself to an FBI agent, and what's so funny is that he truly believes it. He came out of his house yesterday and announced "So, you don't think I am FBI - right?" I said OK Jon - show me your badge, and he pulled out a piece of paper that said FBI on it - and that was his ID tag. Too funny, they keep me in stitches most of the time with their goings on and every day I am so happy that my little people (children/grandchildren) are all well and having normal lives. Theresa and her new beau John will be coming from NC for Thanksgiving with the kids. I can't wait. It seems so long since I've seen them, and they grow so fast. It's hard to keep up with what their life is doing.

Well, I guess that's about it - have sat for more than usual - LOL

Will write later. Have wonderful days.

Monday, September 3, 2007

It's Monday and I thought today was Sunday

Ah well, that's my life in a nutshell. Never knowing what day it is. I wake up sometimes in the middle of the night almost in a sweat, not knowing what day it is. Now for some, that's fine, but I have this thing about knowing what day it is, what the date is, and where I am. Jim and I went to the lake this past Friday - and I woke up on Saturday morning not knowing where I was. DUH - it was me who wanted to go.

Today I thought it was Sunday all day, even though I went to a lovely picnic yesterday and I knew it was Sunday. It wasn't until the TV came on this afternoon and Oprah was on that I realized that today wasn't Sunday, but Monday. Since I have to start working again on Wednesday, maybe this is my way of telling myself that I don't want to go back to work, which is very far from the truth. I am one of those people who likes to work, and take on the challenges that every day brings taking kids back and forth to school, and since I drive the special needs children, this too is a challenge.

I have been stitching Quackworth Sampler from Ink Circles and loving every stitch of it. I am doing it with Wildflowers floss in the Spice color and it's amazing how much is done already. I started it on either Monday or Tuesday of last week and I'm already almost half finished. I can't believe that it has held my attention this long.

Julie leaves for SC on Wednesday - she'll be gone for a week and a half, so this means I'll be having to stay home at night with Jim unless I can get him to go out with me if I do indeed need to go out. I'll probably be so tired that I'll stay in too.

Nothing much else to chat about - will post again in a few days.