Sunday, May 4, 2008


Good afternoon. I am in such a dither - we've not had a kitchen sink for two days - that means everything we eat, we either have to use the microwave oven with paper plates, or get take out. Yesterday we went and got Chinese, and today had the leftovers. We did have someone come today and look at the plumbing, but he wanted to tear out everything and have us start again. Where are you supposed to get the money for that I wondered? SO, I have called another plumber and guess what, no call back yet. Guess they have more work than they need, so they don't need any money.

Anyway - have been working very little on my stitching for the past week or so. Am doing better as far as my mental health, but with my knees, elbows, etc. bothering me, am wondering if I have fibromyalgia. Am going to see the MD this month at some point, so will ask and see if this is indeed the FM. Hope not - maybe it's just a healthy dose of arthritis - I know I have this in my knees, but don't know about the elbows.

SO, nothing else new here - Jim is still great - although you wouldn't think so. He still sits in his chair all the time with a blanket on him - and just cannot make him believe that he is not sick. I think he's been sick for so long that he just doesn't comprehend that he could get better.

That's it for now. Adios.

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