Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thursday, close to Friday

Good morning everyone - about time I put into words what's been going on.

I have been stitching some, but not a lot - for some reason, I have been out of sorts. Nothing wrong that I can put a finger on, but just not me. I put in a few stitches, and then get called away for something, and then don't get back to it. BUT this will pass I know.

Have just made an appointment for a mammogram. It's been a couple of years, so it's about time. I still have to call and make an appointment for a DEXA scan and then to see the GYN. The doc I see is wonderful - we talk about computers or billing while he does his exam, so I don't mind going. I've had him for so many years that it's almost a pleasure to see him yearly.

I've been working on planning a retreat for July. The gals and I are all going to be meeting in Connecticut with Barb Cooley from Plum Pudding. She's a really nice person and it'll be good to meet her in person. We have these long talks on the phone, and good thing I use my cell phone or she calls me as she has unlimited long distance.

We have a May Day picnic today at the bus garage. Should be fun.

Well, that's about it for now - will write again soon.

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