Sunday, July 15, 2007


Good morning to all. Well, up early again this a.m. - awoke at 3:30 and went back to sleep until 5:30 and then up and moving. Reading mail, doing dishes, making coffee, etc. Jim was still asleep until a few moments ago. Now he's sitting in the chair and hoping that I'll ask him what he wants for breakfast. He can wait a bit.

I need to go shopping today for groceries - hate that part of my life - not because I don't like to shop, but because it's always so expensive. I can walk into the store, and figure on spending at least $150.00 just for the three of us, and I don't buy prepared foods. I always thought it was cheaper to make myself, and I do a pretty good job of it, but now wonder if it wouldn't be cheaper to eat out. I printed up some recipes this morning and am going to peruse the newspaper for either coupons or the sale items at the market to see what's feasible this week. I've never had black bean burgers, but am going to make them this week. Maybe it'll be less expensive than burger and probably better for us.

This week will go by fast - Jim has a CT scan tomorrow to see if he has a kidney stone or something more omnious, i.e. his cancer has returned. It also could be nothing more than a pulled muscle. Hopefully it'll be the pulled muscle - and nothing worse than that.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday I get to drive the bus for the recreation kids. Tuesday going to the local bowling alley with the K-3 grade kids, Wednesday to the zoo - with the older kids and then on Thursday to the local park to let the kids blow off steam.

Started again!!! the Summer Sampler from Little House Needleworks and Crescent Colours - actually started it a few days ago and then while moving the Q-snaps, found that I had started it wrong. DUH to me - a shopowner not knowing where to begin the piece. SO, I went and found a prettier piece of material and started over. Those charts are deceiving - it looks so easy, but there are so many stitches.

Have a good day everyone.

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